Techrite Controls Australia...
Hauck’s EnerJet series high-velocity
combination burners have been specifically designed for applications
where high-velocity recirculation of heated gases is desired. This
recirculation reduces the need for installing expensive high-temperature
fans or diluting flame temperatures with costly excess air. The
burner’s ‘jet energy’ entrains and recirculates gases for maximum heat
transfer and temperature uniformity - resulting in increased production
at reduced fuel consumption and cost.
The EJC will burn any clean industrial fuel gas
or No. 2 fuel oil with the same performance characteristics on oil as on
gas. Turndown, excess air and excess fuel performance are excellent on
either fuel. The burner is available in four sizes from 117 to 1,170 kW. It is also available in preheated
air versions to 425ºC, and in both high and medium velocity